(Department of managed health care)


Petition Signature

“Protest of Department of Managed Health Care Actions in Violation of Federal Law and Religious Freedom”

We the undersigned emphatically protest DMHC’s August 22, 2014 letters to health insurers requiring all health insurance plans sold in California to “immediately cover elective abortions.”  

The U.S. Constitution gives pro-life employers the freedom to choose health insurance plans that do not conflict with their beliefs on the dignity of human life.  By requiring all plans sold in California to cover elective abortions, DMHC has manipulated the market to violate the Constitution, stripping pro-life employers of this freedom.  DMHC has also violated the federal Weldon Amendment prohibiting states receiving federal funding from discriminating against health insurance plans that do not provide abortion coverage. 

DMHC must comply with the Constitution and federal law. DMHC must rescind this requirement of health plans immediately and rescind the August 22, 2014 letters.





“What is the Background on the Issue called Protect-Life Now?”

Our petition seeks to reverse actions by the state’s Department of Managed Health Care that surreptitiously force employers who are pro-life to pay for abortions.  This is a violation of religious freedom.


In August 2014, in violation of federal law and without public hearings, the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) quietly sent letters to providers of health care coverage requiring them to include elective abortion coverage in all health plans sold in the state.  In doing so, DMHC manipulated the market in order to promote its pro-abortion policies.  DMHC also violated the Constitution and federal law:
1.    The Constitutional rights of pro-life employers to choose health insurance plans that do not conflict with their beliefs on the dignity of human life.  
2.    The federal Weldon Amendment prohibiting States receiving federal funding from discriminating against health insurance plans that do not provide abortion coverage.  

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is currently investigating these DMHC actions.

Letters from DHMC to insurance companies – see “Communications from the DHMC”:  
Pro-life community letter of protest to DMHC:
Complaint letters to HHS:

The Salt and Light Council

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