• Dran Reese
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A Simple Procedure… or a Nightmare?

THIS VIDEO CAN STOP CALIF. SB 24 – The College Student Right to Access Act, if we all act now!

SB 24 mandates the abortion pill be sold at every CSU and UC health center. Currently, it is moving through committees on its way to the Governor’s desk. In response, this video has been made available by the producer of the movie Unplanned to alert Calif. citizens to what the legislature proposes to impose on the state and, at best, to stop its passage.

In the movie, the realistic portrayal of Abby Johnson’s chemical abortion using RU-486 is relived. She is lied to about its effect on her body (mild), becomes ill (desperately), and recognizes the consequences of her actions (grievous). The producer of the movie, Chris Jones, and his team, gave us that clip from the movie.

Watch this video. Warning, it is unsettling, which is exactly the reason we must stop the bill from becoming law. Then, contact Gov. Newsom and your State Assemblyperson, as the video explains. We MUST reach our legislators and hold them accountable. Write your response, or use this one:

“The abortion pill does not belong on college campuses where unsuspecting women gain easy access to it. As well, California parents must know their daughters are in danger. Through the distribution of this video clip, the truth about RU-486 will be shouted from the rooftops: It isn’t just a simple procedure. It’s a nightmare.”


California Senator Connie Leyva and Planned Parenthood want to mandate the RU-486 nightmare be dispensed at every CSU and UC campus health center. STOP LEYVA’S SB 24 – Contact Governor Newsom and your California Assemblymember today – Tell them you know the truth about RU-486.

* Contact Governor Newsom at: (916) 445-2841

* Contact Assembly: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/

Author: Dran Reese
The Salt and Light Council

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