The Salt & Light Council in action with local churches and congregations.

Join us and Discover the Joy and Privilege of Biblical Citizenship.

Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries in Action!  Hear their own exciting words of encouragement.


We took a format of viewing current issues through a Biblical lens—an essential of The Salt & Light Council—to arm and equip them with Scripture and tools on how they can live their faith successfully.

— Lucinda Jackson, Blue Lake Community Church, Blue Lake, CA

Every church needs a Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministry, and Election 2020 should convince us of that! The Salt & Light webpage along with the monthly newsletter enable us to walk out our Biblical faith as engaged citizens. Congregants in my church are very appreciative of how this ministry enables them to do that.

— Cheri Risch, Salt & Light Affiliate St. James Anglican Church Fresno, CA

Ever since the Proposition 8 campaign, Horizon Christian Fellowship has supported The Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministry, offering the group a table to provide monthly updates on Biblical issues of the day. “We are a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church. We believe the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. All at Horizon find a church that teaches God’s Word.” The church also brings in noted cultural experts and supports Salt & Light Movie Nights and DVD video series on relevant topics. “The church is very supportive. I feel blessed we are here.”

— Larry Dershem, Horizon Christian Fellowship, Ranch Santa Fe, CA

Walking the walk, evangelism and biblical citizenship are all vital and go together in serving our Lord Jesus. We must be faithful. Our Salt & Light Sundays are very encouraging. We share pulpit announcements each month, which lead to people asking questions and learning current events that bring new levels of awareness. Many are always ready and thankful to write postcards and help make a difference. We also have signup sheets at our monthly Salt & Light table to highlight their areas of interest and for contact information to provide them with emails for newsletter/information distribution. We are encouraged that many churches working together nationwide will have an impact!

— G. Davis, Bay Street Baptist Church, Florida

This new Salt & Light Ministry in my church has opened the door to my Pastor teaching months of Home Bible Studies to a particular family of new visitors to the church entirely due to one of them being so inspired by the mission and program of the Salt & Light Council. As a new Affiliate, I am grateful to the Salt & Light Council for getting my church connected with more conservative Christians who have both an appreciation for, as well as, an ability at, impacting the wider society we live in.

— William Salzwedel First United Pentecostal Church of Sebastian Sebastian, Florida (William leads Salt & Light Ministries in both Florida and in California’s Rock of Zion UPI in Moorpark.)

I recommend that Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries be established in churches across the country. Being a part of this ministry will enable the folks in your church to stay up to date on the myriad of political and social issues in our nation and how they should respond from a biblical worldview. The many resources available will help you as an Affiliate Leader develop a ministry that equips Christians in your church to be salt and light in their local communities.

— John Mills, Calvary Chapel Central Maine (Bangor)

A Biblical worldview is the only accurate lens with which to view the world around us and understand our role as Christian citizens,” says Alysa. Additionally, “Along with worldview studies, American founding principles, education and economics are regularly discussed.”

— Alysa Jarvise, Sienna Ranch Baptist Church, Missouri City, TX

With the full support of our Pastor, Novice Northington, our Salt & Light Council Biblical Citizenship Ministry keeps our leadership and members informed through prayer and action points on how to biblically address the constant attack by secular forces on our Christian culture. The tools, including a Biblical Voter Website, equip Christians to vet candidates before voting, promote biblical values in protecting the lives of the preborn, and protect the nuclear family unit as designed and ordained by God. Biblical Worldview recommendations equip us with solid scriptural truths. A Next Generation division for teens includes suggested resources and a monthly newsletter, and is invaluable in educating our youth to counter lies that are creeping into public-school curriculum and slowly replacing historical facts.

— Terry Griffin and Anna Wylie Co-Affiliates of Salt & Light Council Red River Cowboy Church / Denison, Texas

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The Salt and Light Council

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