On a Saturday in late January, former Muslim Imam Dr. Mark Christian challenged an audience in Omaha, Nebraska, informing them, “In order to legally marry his adopted son’s wife, Mohammad denied the son by abolishing adoption. His decision negatively affected countless other families.” What does that show about the content of his character? Dr. Christian, Executive Director...
“Caught in the middle between the Park officer and the Virginia police, Pastor Riggs reminded his group that God had told him to go into D.C.—and go into D.C., he would.” Saddle-weary cowboys on the trail, dusty from a 1,200 mile trek on horseback from Texas to Washington D.C. In the 1800s, such a journey...
National TRANSFORMATION TRUMPS LEGISLATION Donald J. Trump is set to become our incoming 45th President of the United States. Evangelical Christians that voted for him in record numbers hope for the best: a leader who acknowledges our dissatisfaction with the “antis”: the anti-God and anti-prayer movements. We see brighter possibilities for the “pros,” including a...