…is to see America’s biblical and moral foundations restored by training and equipping churches to establish Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries that will defend and promote life, natural marriage, our constitutional and religious liberties.


We are a non-political, non-partisan 501c3, dedicated to promoting biblical moral values in the public sector. Further, we are a coalition of cross-denominational churches with active Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries working to rebuild our
Judeo-Christian heritage in America.

We mobilize Christians at the grassroots level, helping them to live out their responsibility to influence government and civic affairs for good. History has clearly shown that without a strong, godly influence to overcome the natural tendency toward evil, governmental authority will destroy God-given rights, including the right to hear and speak His truth.

We seek to love and care for all of God’s people, transforming hearts and minds through prayer, education and action.





1.    To have a Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship ministry in every church worth their salt in America!

2.    To unburden the pastor and church leaders from having to “reinvent the wheel”

3.    To help engage and energize your church to rediscover the joy and privilege of being a citizen of America.

4.    To leave an inheritance: A nation that is free and Biblically sound to our children.


Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries are needed at churches across America because the future of our nation is at stake.

The three-pronged foundation upon which God has established society is under attack: family, church, and civil government. We contend for these through prayer, education and dedicated action with confidence that we will see the restoration of our nation.

The Family Can Be Redeemed by Restoring:

  • Marriage, which God created to be between one man and one woman only.
  • The family unit of Father, Mother and Children as He has ordained it.
  • Parents Authority over raising their own Children without government encroachment.
  • Abolishing abortion, addressing sexual promiscuity, and acknowledging the harms of pornography

The Church’s Part in the Restoration of our Culture by:

  • Being Biblically Correct and not Politically Correct
  • Exercising our God-given rights and using our voice.
  • Refusing to be silenced and marginalized.
  • Learning to love in Spirit and truth those with unbiblical doctrines and ideologies.
  • Maintaining religious freedom as ordained by God and refusing state/governmental intervention on matters of conscience.

The Government Can be Restored by:

  • Upholding the foundational, Judeo-Christian operating system of America.
  • Understanding that God is first. We, the people, answer to God – government answers to us.
  • Understanding that government originates with each individual. If we govern ourselves according to the Word of God, all will fall into place!
  • Maintaining the family – father, mother, children – as the next unit of government, and governing our families according to the Word of God.
  • Training and equipping missionaries, public servants and volunteers to enter government as a mission field. (This is task of The Salt & Light Council)
  • Every congregation in America worth its salt making Biblical Citizenship equal to all other ministries of the church.

When Christians show up, everybody wins!

Start a Biblical Citizenship Ministry

The Salt and Light Council

If anything has been useful or helpful, please consider a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible donation.


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