Marianne Gibbs Smith – “The Shepherd’s Lamb”

In memory of her love for poetry and god

Marianne was truly a Psalmist for our generation. She possessed a singular ability to express America’s current and quirky political spirit while aligning it against the eternal truth of the Bible. Her presence, her love of the Lord, and her voice will be keenly missed as a reminder of Biblical integrity to us all. – Dran Reese, President, The Salt & Light Council

Marianne Gibbs Smith

Marianne Gibbs Smith

We celebrate the life of Marianne who made such a difference in our lives.  She was an avid prayer warrior who brought the Holy Spirit alive with wisdom and anointing. We will miss her presence on our daily prayer calls.  She leaves a rich and amazing legacy – her word of God inspired poetry.  Her work should be required reading by all. Our favorite is The Messiah Story – The Promise of God in which she took the entire bible to a small pamphlet of divine poetry.  Perfect for anyone, she so eloquently condensed key biblical history into one seamless story from the beginning to the end. Her talent is beyond words. We are ever so grateful to have had a small hand in seeing her dreams and vision for her poetry be fulfilled.  We will never be without Marianne as her work will live on in our lives. We celebrate her life and our time with her.  She was our friend, our sage, our family and she now is with our Heavenly Father. She will live on in our hearts and her written word will live on for generations to come.  She truly honored and glorified our Lord.  She exemplified a life well-lived. Thank you, dear Lord, for gracing our earthly lives with Marianne. We miss you already. Until we meet again. God Bless.


Video of Marianne Gibbs Smith

Marianne as a Guest Speaker for our Lecture Series, December 2017.




The Salt and Light Council

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