Salt & Light Council Leadership
Brownfield, TX
Nadine McHugh
Email: nadinemchugh@nts-online.net
In 2012, as Nadine McHugh fasted and prayed for the nation with other like-minded believers on The Salt & Light Council’s national daily-prayer conference call, https://www.randrprayer.org/, she sensed the Spirit calling her start a Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministry. “I kept feeling the Lord was calling me to do this—and to do it in church.” Saying “yes” to leading the ministry took her about a year. As the wife of the pastor, Nadine recalls, “I kept thinking of other people, ‘Oh, they would be better.’ But I felt like that’s what the Lord needed us all to do as Christians—to persevere and stand up for the religious freedoms being stripped away from us.”
At Nadine’s church, where her husband, Eddie, serves as pastor, the Salt & Light table is set up every Sunday. They also make regular announcements about cultural issues. “We explain to the congregation why we are doing this; that God calls us to be salt and light. It’s our privilege, but it’s also our responsibility to stand up and give our views.”