• Dran Reese
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Posted by Stand Up For The Truth | Oct 8, 2021 | American Church, Bonus Content, Church Leadership, Culture & Morality, Education, Government, Podcast, Politics and Faith, Religious Freedom, Worldview

TODAY’S GUEST: Dran Reese is Founder and President of the The Salt & Light Council and initiatives, The Content of Character Series, Judeo-Christian Caucus, Biblical Voter and she is also an advocate for Public School Exit.  Dran Reese has helped develop and promote some of the best tools available to equip churches to win the culture war.

We tackle the ongoing debate about what it means to be salt and light for Christ in our culture as His ambassadors. We also discuss why the church seems divided over this issue of what is defined “political” and what to say from the pulpit on Sunday mornings. In segment 3,

David shares thoughts on people’s confusion and division over pivotal issues as well as quotes from Rand Paul and David Horowitz.

Contact: Dran@saltandlightcouncil.org

BONUS AUDIO: We were lied to! At the end of today’s podcast, I share some thoughts on the explosive Project Veritas video (see link below) and explain WHY this is such an important issue to Christians.


Salt and Light Council

Rand Paul makes example out of HHS secretary for ‘lying to people about naturally acquired immunity’

Project Veritas: Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There’

Fauci Backtracks on Dire Christmas COVID Prediction

C-v-d Shot ‘Breakthrough’ Case Investigation and Reporting

Preparing for Severe Lock-down Measures in North America

200 Resources You Can Trust

Canceling Christianity: How The Left Silences Churches, Dismantles The Constitution, And Divides Our Culture

Author: Dran Reese
The Salt and Light Council

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