• Dran Reese
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Revival in the Heartland

On a Saturday in late January, former Muslim Imam Dr. Mark Christian challenged an audience in Omaha, Nebraska, informing them, “In order to legally marry his adopted son’s wife, Mohammad denied the son by abolishing adoption. His decision negatively affected countless other families.” What does that show about the content of his character?

Dr. Christian, Executive Director of Global Faith Institute, spoke at The Content of Character Series Summit about the real wars of Islam on women, the U.S. Constitution, and our Judeo-Christian values. Addressing a racially-mixed audience of 200, the now born-again believer said he was raised in the epicenter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Given his amazing history, and that this man, born in Egypt, was now preaching the Gospel in the heartland of America, made the testimony he presented impossible to ignore.

Throughout the day, black men and women of note chipped-away at long-standing, culturally-sensitive issues, including what polices the major political parties truly support. While black citizens largely vote Democratic, many attendees were shocked to learn how those political platforms align on critical issues key to the faith-based voters in the room.

Their positions are very clear, noted Jonathan Alexandre. “There can be no mistake as to what the parties actually believe and how they act.” The Liberty Counsel Action’s Director of Public Policy had traveled to Omaha from Washington D.C. to educate us. Checking off the options from the major 2016 political party platforms, Alexandre ran down the list. These included the sanctity of life, sexual education, and rights of conscience—especially for faith-based groups. Hint: The Republican Party platform holds to Judeo-Christian values; the Democratic Party’s does not. Alexandre made it personal: “It is incumbent on Christians to determine which platform better aligns with God’s principles and heart on these issues.”

The black gentleman sitting next to me stared in rapt attention. When Texas Pastor Stephen Broden deftly exposed the strategic, Alinsky-driven manipulations of black people: the targeting of the poor, the oppression in their inner cities, and how they were being used “as battering rams to bring down the system,” the man shook his head in amazement. “I’m done,” he exclaimed, clapping his hands in agreement.

Local pro-life leader Toni Clarke unpacked the raw truth about black genocide through the targeted abortion of black babies by abortion providers. The Assure Women’s Center in Omaha, which Toni directs, annually serves more than 2500 women facing unplanned pregnancies. Toni regularly talks to middle-and-high-school students, empowering them to make healthy, life-affirming decisions, and wait until marriage for sex. Clarke says one pastor later emailed saying he was “convicted” by her testimony. God is good!

Perhaps one of the most revealing presentations came from Dr. Charles Ware, addressing the topic, “One Race, One Blood.” For this culturally-mixed group to hear it clearly presented that all of humanity finds its lineage in just two people—Adam and Eve; that there is only one race—the human race—energized the entire room. “I actually thought revival was going to break out with Dr. Ware,” COCS team member Terry Barnes later enthused.

Personally, I find it extraordinary how every speaker—both local and national—kept God and the content of character foremost in their presentations. I would have to say, we were all on a God-high. Three speakers didn’t even use their PowerPoint slides; they were so Holy-Spirit charged and inspired. People went away transformed from this event.

Each speaker brought us to the edges of our seats as we heard hard truths and faced difficult questions: Is the black Church going to corporately remain locked into the places generationally assigned by the powerful; or will followers of Jesus knock down every politically-correct sacred cow, be it historically restrictive, politically motivated, or socially constraining?

More COCS Summits are planned for 2018. Cities include Calif., Mississippi, Florida and Washington D.C. In every city, we seek out local black leaders who join our core team in choosing the issues and speakers best suited for their community. Each event features a Hero of the Faith Award for outstanding community service. In Omaha, Thomas Lee, former coach and current principal of Northwest High School was the recipient.

Dr. King had it right. We must know each other by the content of our character and not by the color of our skin. I’m excited we are combating fake and distorted history and news by providing Christian voices to share Biblical truth. I’m just truly grateful. COCS Summits in the heartland have started something powerful that needs to be proclaimed from coast-to-coast. It could transform America.

Dran Reese is Founder and President of The Salt & Light Council (SLC), an organization that mobilizes Christians nationwide to preserve the culture through Biblical citizenship. SLC serves as the organizing arm for The Content of Character Series (COCS). COCS partners with black Christian leaders through traveling Summits that explore the value and dignity of black Americans in cities across America.

Author: Dran Reese
The Salt and Light Council

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